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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 24 July 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art: Lucky Luke 59- Bride of Lucky Luke

Authors: Guy Vidal & Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: June 2016

ISBN: 9781849183055
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
One of the main problems facing the Old West’s inhabitants was the lack of women in frontier territories. Entire towns were populated only by men, while many unmarried young women languished on the east coast. To remedy that situation, marriages were arranged over mail. And now we find a reluctant Lucky Luke in charge of protecting a convoy of brides on their way west. Could he, too, be in danger of finding a wife?
Continuing the longest ever English language run of The Man who shoots faster than his own shadow -Lucky Luke. How the heck do you review a book full of visual gags as well as puns? You can't really because if you know Lucky Luke then you know what to expect!
The Daltons are in here.  Well, of course they are.  There are those native American chaps. Hey -a puma meets a Dalton: which one runs? Can Lucky Luke's trademark clothes REALLY be washed? Can Luke REALLY be about to wear a dandy city-slicker suit??? The Daltons are house cleaning??? Uh, and why is that hardened outlaw wearing female clothes....?!
Yes, the greatest threat to the Wild West hit the latest Luke book, a lot of women out to find husbands and make the Wild West clean and tidy and....civilized!
Can even Lucky Luke escape this threat?  Look at that cover.  This could be it!
Morris and Vidal continue the great tradition that began back in the late 1940s (hopefully, one day, we may see those strips in English). Fun story, fun art, fun reading and all for just £6.99.
And, I keep forgetting to write that you do not have to wander about hoping to find a shop that sells Cinebook titles.  You can order straight from their own site:

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