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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 22 July 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art: Blake & Mortimer 23: Professor Sato's Three Formulae

Author: Edgar P. Jacobs
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: May 2016
ISBN   9781849183031
Price £7.99 inc VAT
Professor Sató, who has made incredible advances in the field of cybernetics, has been kidnapped by Olrik. A cautious man, Sató had revealed to Professor Mortimer the hiding place of the three formulae that govern his discoveries, and asked him to protect them if need be. Unfortunately, Mortimer is eventually captured as well, and Olrik makes a robotic copy of him to retrieve the formulae. Now, though, Captain Blake is coming to Japan, hell bent on finding his old friend…

You can see the review of part 1 here:

The above cover blurb sounds "so-so", right?  Oh boy, wait til you get the book. Testing of the robots and ultimate Mortimer robot -out on a mission including flying up the side of a building and crashing through a window to await its victim!  Reminded me so much of the original appearance of Marvel's Silver Age Vision!

Will the robot be defeated? Even if it is then it will not be the end of things!

I thought this volume might be good but this was an all out treat for a 1960s kid who grew up on TVs The Avengers and Cybernauts -in fact kids TV obsessed with robots and that's before we get to all the near sci fi spy thrillers -Agent of H.A.R.M.  et al and let's not forget the Steranko Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D..  With Hollywood still obsessed with sci fi, spies and action movies you have to wonder whether any execs there even know of Blake and Mortimer -this story alone would make a great movie.

Dump the Marvel and DC comics or at least try this two-parter because if it doesn't hook you...

But have we reached the crest of the wave with Professor Sato's Three Formulae? I can't wait to find out!

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