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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 March 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: XIII -XIII - The Bait

 XIII - The Bait
Authors: Yves Sente & Youri Jigounov
Age: 15 years and up
A4 Comic Album
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
ISBN: 9781849182386
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: February 2015

XIII is hiding in France at the Préseaus, after a past more nebulous he even believed possible caught up to him again. But the organisation that’s after him hasn’t said its last word, and has considerable means at its disposal.

The organisation lures Jones, on duty in Afghanistan, into a terrible ambush, for the sole purpose of serving as bait for the amnesiac – who immediately rushes to her rescue. Meanwhile, Betty Barnowsky-Préseau is off to Maine to dig into XIII’s past…

And look at that cover.  That is an incredible piece of artwork.  We don't see covers like this with British comics...oh. That's right, we DO NOT have British comics anymore.  Not unless you count the premier publisher of comics in the UK as Cinebook.  And I do.  It's a great cover.

And the intrigue and action continues in the tradition of Vance and Van Hamme and it is a cracking read and the art....well, I wish I could draw like this!  The colour work of  Berengere Marquebreucq adds to the overall look and I hate to keep writing nice things but Cadic's Cinebook The 9th Art makes me:  this is one of the book series that mark the company as the best.

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