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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: Spirou & Fantasio 7: Rhinoceros

7 - The Rhinoceros' Horn

Author: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: November 2014

ISBN: 9781849182249
Price: £8.99 inc. VAT

Spirou and Fantasio, during a daring night investigation, encounter a wounded man who is running from mysterious men. He claims they bombed an automobile factory to steal the plans of a highly advanced prototype, and that he took half of the plans and ran. Having sworn to take the documents back to their owner – who has the other half – the two adventurers are soon on their way to Africa.

But of course, the bandits are in hot pursuit…

I've tried to work out why this appeals to me.  It's that whole cartoony style but with the cluttered rooms and scenery -Franquin has a style that just appeals -to me.  I try analysing this and I'll just annoy myself and get confused and I'm quite old as it is.

It's a nice, family friendly 62 pages but if you do not have a family (awwww) do not panic: you can still enjoy this book.

Lovely, lovely, lovely.

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