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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 13 December 2014

Cinebook The 9th Art: Lady S 5 - Portuguese Medley


Authors: Aymond & Van Hamme
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
 Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Age: 15 years and up
ISBN: 9781849182225
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: November 2014

Shania, back in Europe after being expelled from the United States, has resumed her work with Orion and his shadowy organisation. Undercover as an interpreter at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she is tasked with getting close to an extremist suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The whole mission spirals out of control when she rushes to Portugal, after the CIA contacts her to tell her they’ve found a man who calls himself Abel Rivkas… her father!

WHY do I never get a woman like this climbing my drain-pipe? (oo-er. No. Stop it -you mustn't!) I'd guess because my house is all ground level.  Then again, if she was climbing my drain-pipe (stop it!) I'd probably end up getting shot by someone.

Case in point: I never trusted Momo from the word "go" -he'll wait then grab and run.  Would I stop him?  Well, judging by this story helping out gets you shot.  I don't want to be shot.

Kadija....well, I never saw that coming!

Van Hamme's story -oh come on: this is Van Hamme!!  Am I going to write "a reasonable story and script"? Like hell.  I love his writing and pacing (compared to Van Hamme you have to say Alan Moore is that kid in school that finds it hard to write).

Aymond's artwork I really like and cannot fault.  To that you add the incredible colour work of Sebastien Gerard

Just great to read and great to just plain look at!

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